New York City... It asks nothing of you, except that you make yourself brand new -- looking for something we couldn't find in other cities or places. It demands to be entertained, extracting real costs, but you are incapable of tallying up all its disappointments. For a time you can believe that the city is going to recognize you, that it will reward you, that it will confirm what you have suspected all along about yourself: that you are somehow special. It's a city attributed with godlike qualities and for good reason. New York is synonymous with fate. It's easy to feel melodramatic here, to use words like fate. And yet, for all its demands and unspoken promises, New York remains an unfinished story, written in fleeting moments and whispered dreams. It never truly gives, but somehow, it leaves you fuller, as if the very act of enduring here makes you part of something infinite, something grander than fate...
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iphone 10, 13 pro